Fotografía de exposiciones, arquitectura y diseño

Photography office
   _Photography studio specializing in exhibitions, architecture, and design, based in Mexico City and Barcelona. Our focus lies in capturing the essence of exhibitions held in museums and cultural spaces. We view exhibitions as an interplay between art pieces, museum layout, and architectural design. This dynamic creates a temporally and spatially unique ambiance that, when documented, transcends their transient nature, providing lasting evidence for future generations.

   _Our portfolio includes documentation of diverse cultural spaces in Mexico and abroad, such as Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC), Laboratorio Arte Alameda (LAA), Museo Franz Mayer, el Museo Banco de México, Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco (CCUT), Museo del Chopo, Museo Morelense de Arte Contemporáneo (MMAC), Museo MODO, Museo Numismático, Casa de México en España (Madrid) and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA), San Francisco, CA.